By Stephanie DeFazio
At the beginning of 2020, I made my list of what I want this year. And later that month, I made my vision board. Intentions were set, and it was time to get to work and see how things were going to manifest. Then the coronavirus pandemic hit and time stopped. My first initial thoughts were, "Ok, now what?"
When I recently looked at my vision board, I realized that what I had created still resonates, and one phrase in particular that I was drawn to was the bold statement that "My time is coming!" At that moment, in my mind, I decided that what would make that hopeful statement even more powerful is to believe that it's going to happen, and go out on a limb to say it would still be this year.
The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.
– Anonymous
Although we are all feeling a bit unsettled, thrust into the unknown, not knowing if what we desired for our year will actually still happen, I want to offer the encouragement that our time is coming. I know this, because over the past month, I'm starting to see things take shape that I honestly didn't think would be possible for such a whirlwind 2020. The possibilities are still endless, my friends.
We can all agree that this year has brought with it much loss and sadness, but I also believe it's brought us a newfound joy that we maybe didn't recognize before. We are taking a step back, moving a bit slower than usual, and dealing with a "new normal." The way we communicate and meet up with our family and friends has had to adapt and change because of the virus. That change has somehow brought with it much deeper and meaningful connections.
We talk more about our hopes and dreams and what truly matters to us in life. We spend less time complaining and more time being grateful. And we find new hobbies or new skills with the extra time we have been given. It's the gift we were not expecting, and it's going to help us move forward into our time of great possibilities!
You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.
– Deepak Chopra
I encourage you today to believe in tomorrow's possibilities. Don't lose hope, Keep the faith and keep dreaming. You got this!
Creative Spirit will be offering new workshops in August! You can check back for updates here.
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